If you've ever been to a Vernon Lakers hockey game you know all about "Section B". If you've never heard of them it's about time you did.
B section is a group of about 25 diehard Laker fans who come out to every game and let every body know they're there. The group adopted the name because they have season tickets in B section, directly behind the two penalty boxes and the timekeepers box.
The location where these hockey fans sit is important because it allows them to do what they do best. Which is: yell, scream, and generally let the referee know when he's made a bum call. They also take great pride in loudly discussing the genealogy and lack of hygiene of opposing players.
"In one game againt the Williams Lake Mustangs, one of the Mustangs stayed in the penalty box an extra 18 seconds to yell at us," brags a female member of B section, "His coach was just furious".
At the last Lakers game against the New Westminster Royals, B section finally jumped into the big leagues. Each Member of the section donned a brand new referee's uniform, courtesy of Kelly's Electronic World from Vernon.
With their new uniforms, B section was in special form, Saturday. "Have another jelly donut ref", shouted a sideline referee. Another senior section member offerd the ref some words of encouragement: "Hey Ref! Your're pretty consistent tonight. Consistently bad".
After a suspect penalty was called against a Laker, the section began chanting from the nursery rhyme, Three Blind Mice.
The B section referees have been offering word of encouragement to players and refs for about three years. During this period the group has formalized itself with the adoption of a "Code of Ethics" which spells out their constitution.
"Only true and devoted Vernon Laker fans shall sit in section B", reads one item. "We will, through the kindness of our hearts, impart our (vast) knowledge to the players and officials... in the most loud and obnoxious manner we can muster without the use of profanity", states the unlawful act.
Many other pearls of wisdom are discribed in the constitution. However, the best way to learn more about section B is at a Lakers game.
Besides being loud and noisy, the group is also cordial and more then willing to give advice on just about anything, "Down in front doorknob. What da'ya think ya are, a window?"